New Mexico Drunk Driver Strikes Again
Here is a new Post at New Mexico Drunk Driver Strikes Again | New Mexico Car Accident Lawyer.
A recent drunk driver crash in San Juan County, near Waterflow, New Mexico has claimed the life of a Corrales man. The accident occurred when a drunk driver,
Here is the Spanish translation of Post summary:-
Un reciente accidente conductor ebrio en San Juan, cerca de Aguas, Nuevo Mexico se ha cobrado la vida de un hombre Corrales. El accidente se produjo cuando un conductor ebrio,
Here is a response on similar topic:-
When a drunk driver and a cellphone driver crash into each other (with their cars) WHOSE FAULT IS IT?
More the drunk drivers fault because it’s illegal. Drunk driving slows your reflexes too. Also, sometimes if your paying attention to the road while talking sometimes you might be able to drop the phone and turn the car real fast. But the person talking on the cell phone