Andrew Traub
|Injury Law in Texas
Many Drivers in Travis County, Texas Uninsured
A large number of drivers on Texas highways and roads do not have auto insurance.
A 60-day pilot project testing the Texas-Sure program (which allows law enforcement personnel to verify coverage status when they stop a motorist) focused on Travis County. During the test, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers found 25.5 percent of 5,012 drivers stopped in Travis County and a small portion of Williamson County and Hays County since June 2 did not have auto insurance.
This spring, the minimum amount of liability insurance Texas drivers are required to have increased for the first time in 22 years (from $20,000 to $25,000).
Two things you should take away –
- Carry uninsured motorist coverage to protect yourself
- Cary under-insured motorist coverage to protect yourself from the very real possibility of a sky-high medical bill